downloadmybody.com is a place for you to do exactly that, to download my body. Started by artists Matt Romein and Joe Mango, this site provides a zip file of a fully rigged 3D model of our nude bodies. Simply select Matt or Joe and click the download button in order to receive your digital copy of our body.

These models are fully compatible with a range of softwares such Unreal Engine, Unity, Blender, Cinema4D, and much more. Each zip file has an .fbx file, a .dae file, and an .obj file.

This project came about from a series of installations in which we made absurdist arcade games using scans of our nude bodies. We then decided to release our bodies as an asset to anyone who wants to do something with our body. We invite you to use our bodies to do whatever hilarious, horrible, or questionable things you can come up with.

Did you make something with our bodies? Make sure to use the hashtag #downloadmybody or share your project with us at downloadmybody@gmail.com and we’ll give it some love.

Website created by Eve Weinberg and Or Fleisher.



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